Nanaksar Foundation

Bhagti Da Ghar

Where Tradition Meets Devotion

and Sikhi Flourishes in Every Home

We strive to revive the essence of Baba Nand Singh Ji’s profound philosophy and reintroduce it to the present-day Sikh community. In a world where physical temples and rituals dominate, we aim to reconnect individuals with the traditional practices of Sikhi, emphasizing the importance of personal devotion and spiritual growth within the home and everyday life.

Our Mission:

At Nanaksar Foundation, we are dedicated to preserving and propagating the teachings and practices inspired by Baba Nand Singh Ji. Our mission is to instill a deeper understanding of Sikhi beyond the confines of physical spaces and rituals. We believe in bringing Sikhi back to its roots, fostering a personal connection with Waheguru in every aspect of life.

Key Initiatives:
  1. Education and Outreach: Through various educational programs, workshops, and seminars, we aim to educate the Sangat about Baba Nand Singh Ji’s teachings and their relevance in today’s world. We strive to create awareness and understanding among the Sikh community about the importance of personal spiritual practices.

  2. Home Teams: We are establishing dedicated teams of volunteers who are mobile and ready to visit homes within the Sangat. These teams offer guidance and support to individuals and families in integrating traditional Sikh practices into their daily lives. Whether it’s organizing Akand Paaths, Sahaj Paaths, or Kirtan sessions, our teams are committed to nurturing spiritual growth within one’s home.

  3. Community Engagement: Teams actively engages with the community through outreach programs, social events, and collaborative initiatives. We seek to create a supportive environment where individuals can come together to share experiences, seek guidance, and deepen their connection with Sikhi.

  4. Embracing Tradition: We encourage the Sangat to embrace the rich traditions of Sikhi, including meditation, seva (selfless service), and the recitation of Gurbani. By fostering a sense of devotion and reverence for the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, we aim to inspire individuals to lead a life guided by the principles of Sikhism.

  5. Katha and Kirtan Tours: Organize talented Katha and Kirtan Jathas, offering Sangat opportunities for divine immersion. Renowned performers and speakers enriching spiritual experiences, fostering community connection and embracing universal Sikhi teachings, inspiring devotion to Waheguru Ji.

Join Us:

We invite you to join us on this spiritual journey through transformative melodies of music, storytelling, and spiritual enlightenment as we strive to revitalize the spirit of Sikhi in our hearts, souls, homes, and communities. Together, let us rediscover Sikhi through the timeless wisdom of Baba Nand Singh Ji and embark on a path of personal transformation and spiritual fulfillment.